Pure 5 thing a man want from his wife in bed

5thing a man want from his wife in bed 

Today, we will be discussing few things on what every man wants from their woman in bed
1. Don't let him  start everything
Sometimes be more active In bed, Most men sometimes wants their woman to Begin the game , and help reduce the pressure that a man has to start everything and make the woman reach her climax, that kind of impression should change among the couples.

2. Confidence
According to recent research, that a man will perform more or better in bed well enough when a woman is able to help boost his confidence. This is because men want to be appreciated also, if you tell him how deeply in love you're with him . Make him smile and feel love. This would boost his confidence.

3. Try New Things

Most men would like to try a variety of new things in bed with thier woman and woman who can give chance for that, would get their man obsessed with them in bed, so it is best to try out new things that'll work for both of you.

4. Make him know you're feeling the moment
Most time it is difficult for both parties to greatly satisfy each other, it seems that either one has to sacrifice just to push forward to make the their partner feel great pleasure in bed

5. Fantasies
One of the best way to handle an man in bed is to know his fantasies, try to know what are his fantasies . When you directly ask a man about what he wants in bed. His insecurities might probably make him say anything or maybe because he is shy.


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