First dates can be overwhelming, so streamline your focus into making the first few moments count. It takes only 12 minutes for you to decide if you're interested in the other person (and for them to decide if they dig you) so bring your A-game the second you arrive,Of course your partner loves the way you look anyway, but if you feel insecure about something, talk about it. He or she can reassure you.
"I know some people do wonder how relationship is and some people consider it as wasting of time while some people think wrongly which lead to heart break in relationship,This includes;
1.Get up to date with current affairs and major news before your date. Have some things already planned to talk about in case the conversation starts to get boring.
2.Don't try to impress too much on the first date because it can backfire. Don't go crazy with what you wear or how you act, try to keep is cool and casual.
3.Avoid long awkward silences at all costs! Have things planned to say in case this happens.
4.Take chances.
Pushing your boundaries or comfort level can be tricky, but by not doing so you can run the risk of never knowing what could be. Of course you also take a chance by putting yourself out there, but the most important and meaningful parts of life are experienced by living and doing.
5.Don't talk about past relationships. Skip all talk about your ex's, your dating history or any details about past relationships. This is not first date material!
6. Understand your body language.
Be aware of your body language and non-verbal communication. When we first meet someone, we always judge them on appearance and body language, be aware of it!
Also read:The best Advice for men who are in Relationship.
Check your cell phone on a date is a quick way to make someone feel uncomfortable, like they are not important enough to get your full attention, especially on a first date! Put your cell phone on vibrate and check it when you are alone.
8.Don't fixated on Appearance.
Don't be fixated on your appearance. Who needs to waste valuable date time hurrying to the bathroom to brush your hair, re-apply your lipstick, or check the mirror like clockwork? Use your time to make robust conversation and really get to know your date.
9.Understand each other.
Remember your level of closeness while arranging your date. If you don't know each other very well, pick a more conservative date place.
10.Creating chance;
During your first dating put work aside. Focus on getting to know your dates personality without worrying about the troubles and stress of your daily job.
11.Keep away from the boring discussion. "So... what would you like to do? I don't know... what do you want to do?" Don't discuss this without first having a plan or list of ideas.
12.Keep away from the boring discussion. "So... what would you like to do? I don't know... what do you want to do?" Don't discuss this without first having a plan or list of ideas.
13.Avoid talking only about yourself. Be a good listener.
14.Clean your teeth meticulously before going on a date. Nothing is more appalling than a bad breath and dirty teeth.
15.Watch your table manners. Noisy sipping and munching will banish your partner.
16.Don't drink too much alcohol, especially if you know that you embarrass yourself when drunk. This advice applies to both men and women.
17.Never compare your date with an ex. Not on the first date and never afterwards.
18.If you start dating with someone, totally stop being involved with your ex.
19.The best dates which lead to a relationship are with people with whom you share interests.
20.Don't mention the reasons why your ex-partners have left you. You will inspire pity.
21.Smile when you meet your dating partner.
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Relationship tips